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wHAT IS Wushu




Traditional Wushu (commonly referred to as kung-fu) has a long and diverse history. It originated from the need for self-defense, survival as well as an art of war. Over its thousands of years of development, different styles and practices emerged featuring various methods, content, philosophies, tactics and techniques. Though traditional wushu is a method of attack and defense, its practice has deeply intertwined with ethical and moral principles, aimed at preserving the principles, methods and legacies of previous generations.
There are some styles featuring mainly hand techniques, other focusing on leg techniques or even wrestling; focusing on attack and defense, while some strive to promote health and well-being. Traditional wushu also includes an extremely vast array of traditional weaponry handed down from the age of cold weapon. With numerous clans, sects and family systems, traditional wushu is diverse and colourful. It is practised by people from all walks of life, irrespective of race, gender, age, social class or physical condition.







Competitive Wushu was developed to standardize the practice of Chinese martial arts. The term wushu is Chinese for martial arts; "Wu" meaning martial and "Shu" meaning art. In contemporary times, competitive wushu has become an international sport through the International Wushu Federation.


Competitive wushu involves martial art patterns and manoeuvres for which competitors are judged and given points according to specific rules. The forms comprise of basic movements (stance, kick, punch, balance, jump & sweep) based on the martial art styles, and can be challenged for competitions to highlight one's power and strength. Currently competitive wushu practitioners are increasingly training in aerial techniques in their jumps and kicks, to add more difficulty and style to their forms.

为了规范中国武术的实践,开发了竞技武术。 所谓“武”指的是格斗技法,而“术”则代表着一种表演形式。目前,竞技武术已经成为一项国际性运动。


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